Tag - Foam Dressing

Various type of Wound Dressing

WOUND DRESSINGS There are more than 3,000 types of wound dressings available on the market today; making it is easy to become overwhelmed by the options. The secret to understanding the various types of wound dressings is to learn the basic properties of the eight main categories of wound dressings.  The dressings within each category are not identical; however, they do possess many of the same properties.  This section provides detailed information on the properties of the eight main categories of wound dressings. Gauze Films Hydrogels Foams Alginates Composites Hydrocolloids Interactive [...]

What are foam dressings advantages

Foam Dressings Application Foam wound dressings can be used on infected wounds. Wound dressings play a large role in the healing process. These products protect the affected area   Foam wound dressings can be used on infected wounds. Wound dressings play a large role in the healing process. These products protect the affected area from outside invaders such as bacteria and, ideally, create an environment that will support healthy healing. One dressing category many clinicians turn to is the foam dressing. Learn more about [...]